I offer quilt guild events such as lectures and online quilt classes.
My live virtual lectures are suitable for modern, modern traditional and traditional quilters, and of all skill levels. They are an excellent introduction for quilters who are curious about modern quilting trends.
I hope that you will consider inviting me to lecture over Zoom.
Explore the offerings using the links below and feel free to Contact Me to discuss my availability, pricing and other details.
Guild can also contact me about purchasing bulk discount memberships for my online quilt classes, including the Modern Quilt Academy.
To learn more about the Modern Quilt Academy, visit the information page here.

I offer a variety of lectures conducted over Zoom, each with a unique presentation and interactive discussion.
All lectures include time for questions and answers. Contact me to discuss schedule openings. Lecture fee is $550 US.
Lecture Topics:
- What Makes a Modern Quilt? Principles of modern quilt design. Current and emerging trends in the modern quilt movement
- My Adventures in Improv. My approach to improvisation with intention. Art influences on my work. How I work from sketches to create a series of related works.
- Art of the Quilt. How I moved from traditional to art quilting. My take on art and modern quilting and how they intersect. Keeping art journals. Sketches to finished quilts. My approach to making Spirit Portrait Quilts and Celebration Quilts.
I make an effort to accommodate your Guild time Zone—even internationally. (I am located in Florida.) I am currently scheduling through early 2025.
Virtual Guild Workshops
Please CLICK HERE to contact me to discuss my availability to schedule virtual workshops over Zoom for 2025-2026.