Book Review: Ultimate Modern Quilt Block Collection

Ultimate Modern Quilt Block Collection

by Daisy Dodge

Daisy Dodge is a member of my local Modern Quilt Guild chapter.  At a meeting, she mentioned that she had a book coming out and she was gracious enough to send me a copy. (FYI–I gave away  this book in my recent library destash for my newsletter readers.)

Her website:  Daisy Dodge Art

Daisy undertook an interesting challenge. Inspired by the Bauhaus art movement, she created patterns for 113 modern quilt blocks.  The Bauhaus artists, including textile artist Annie Albers, created designs that have influenced modern quilt design to this day.

I think this book is a useful addition to our bookshelf when we want to create a modern quilt. If ou are looking for blocks that would work well in a contemporary or modern quilt of your own design, this is a handy reference.

In addition to the blocks, she has included other useful information:

In addition, she has included basic cutting and piercing instructions for regular piercing using the templates or by making your own templates. This is a real timesaver when you want to draft your own designs.

This book is available from and other bookstores.

Here’s a sample quilt from her book.

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